Saturday, June 8, 2019

Let’s Get Messy!!!

Welcome to my fun, yet very messy, project!

One of today’s challenges is playing with paint and messing up our work spaces in the name of ART. And did I ever have fun!

Have yet to decide what project to use these masterpieces on but give me time to come up with something.

But right now, let’s talk about “The Mess!”

For my work-station, I used a large piece of plexiglass. (Basically, because it cleans up nicely.)

·    Using Arteza Acrylic Paints (tube paint) squeeze out about a penny to nickel sized dollop of Titanium White (A101), Yellow Ochre (A113), Mauve Pale (A134) and Sky Blue (A154).

·         Now pour Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Medium over the paints and with a pallet knife, swirl this mixture around. Make a mess! 

I then used scraps of different types of cardstock to see what would happen with the different textures. I laid each piece into the artistic mess and twisted back-and-forth or slightly pulled the various pieces. 

Got fantastic, shinny, and very opaque coverage with every type of paper.

Let dry completely. (I used a drying rack.) After the paints dried, the cardstock flattened out perfectly.

Hope you will give this a try. You might be surprised what you come up with using a variety of paint colors.

Till next time –

May God continue to watch over you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun experimenting with this technique. Too messy for me; besides, don't have a large enough clean space on my desk to do it. LOL
