Thursday, June 27, 2019

Just Because…

Thank you for popping in today. There is iced tea in the refrigerator, so help yourself and stay awhile

Today I am using Wimsey’s Hellebore Flower Die Set (the other name for this flower is Christmas Rose). Using White Foamiran, I cut 3 layers for each petal. When using Foamiran, a 0.6mm (0.02”) soft foam, you can safely cut up to 6 layers at a time. 

After cut my layers, using a dauber, I then applied Versa Color #161 Green Tea, to the centers of each and on both sides.

For the leaves, I selected Lady E Design Leaves 003 to cut one of each out of Apple Green Foamiran.

To do the shaping, may I suggest you view Sandy Parker’s, Crafting for Almost Everyone, June 11 & 16 shows:

Well, it is time to get going. I’m playing around with some newer ideas and hope to soon present them to you.

Till next time,
May God continue to watch over you…

Sunday, June 23, 2019

For the Newbie Card-Makers…
Basic 101 Class

When you, our readers, first started making handmade cards, did you ever say, “I want to make my own greeting cards but I do not know where to begin.  I feel overwhelmed.”  That’s was me about 15 years ago.

In my earliest card-crafting days, I really was dumbfounded. I was a new amputee trying to see what I could do with just one arm. Can not tell you how many cards ended up in the waste can. (And some still do today!)

Anyway, after much thought, I decided to do a photo study, designed to mostly assist the “newbies” in our audience. The stamps used here are among my very first, and favorites. These offer you the freedom to create your own designs and/or backgrounds. The stamps are from Rubber Stamp Tapestry ( They carry a fantastic variety of themes. When you have a moment, check them out.

For the most part, it is best to use a good 8.5” x 11” cardstock for your base card. It is firmer than computer paper or craft paper, offering a better and stronger quality to your card. Cardstock comes in hundreds of colors and textures. May I suggest you start with just a bright white.

Most handmade cards measure 4.25”x 5.5”. Below you will see two different ways to achieve the standard sized cards.

This is a short material list –
·        stamp set (Cherry Blossom has just 4 stamps)
·        ink colors of choice (I suggest at least 5
·        Stencil (heart in this case)
·        Blender brush (dauber or sponge)
·        Post-It strips
·        Scratch paper for under the card 

My work space will be different than yours as I use a magnetic field to help hold my work in place.

What follows is a photo tutorial showing the process to make what is called C.A.S. (Clean and Simple card). This one was cut on the 8.5” side. Then, folding in half lengthwise.

(Exchanged  #55 Umber instead of #69 Bamboo)

When you are satisfied with the over-all results,  
you may want to add an envelope.                                                                                                                              Hope you enjoyed this class. Till next time...

May God Bless You, Always.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Sunflower …

How radiant.  A lovely sight
Glowing in the bold sunlight.
Love, peacefulness and mirth—
Giving joy upon the earth.
Sunflower.  Unique you are.
Your beauty radiates afar—
Engaging the human race, 
As always, with a happy face.
Lovely is the song you sing,
Its heartfelt melody to ring. 
A song of beauty and of grace
Lends expression to the face. 

How charming is the sunflow'r
Adding zing to flow’r power.
                   walterrean salley 2015

A dear friend of ours has been under the weather lately. She is not one to be “down” and usually is the one who brightens everyone’s day. Thought she might like a little something different to help cheer her.

The Card – Clean and Simple:
I recently ordered the Creative Expressions’ new Papercuts Craft Dies’ 5 new edge die collection. Sunflower Edge caught my eye. I had been thinking about making a sample and picked up a piece of Stardream’s Emerald 81T. That paper changes its appearance from dark emerald to black according to the surrounding lighting.  I loved the beauty of that cut and just set it down on a piece of soft yellow/orange mottled paper. (Wish I could remember where I picked up that piece but the old brain is not cooperating today.) I liked the results. 

Anyway, as I looked the combination, I thought of our friend. Now I hope it makes her smile. 

Till another time –

May God Bless You…Always

Monday, June 17, 2019

It’s Show Time…

Sorry, no project today. Guess I’m just so excited that Sandy Parker has released our tapings regarding Foamiran Flowers. She did so on her YouTube show Crafting for Almost Everyone. Please take a few minutes, relax and enjoy your favorite drink while you watch:

Thank you for watching and let both of us know what you think.

Till later,
May God Bless you and Yours

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Graduation 2019…

Each year, young people the world over, celebrate the end of their high school experiences. They will be taking that first major step into their future – be it college, the military or joining the work force. Whatever their choice, we always wish them much success. Today’s card is for a special young lady. We only want the best for her future.

For the flower, I again used the fantastic Lady E Flower 004 die set. I used the White Foamiran and this time just cut 2 of each petal. With the school colors being Blue and Maize, I decided to accent the centers with Chameleon’s BL7 Idigo. 

The alcohol ink does not bled through the foam so I accented both sides of each petal. The color dries fast and does not rub off on your hands as much as a few other inks when you are rolling. I used my iron to heat each section and then did the folding and rolling process. (If you are not aware of this process, you may want to visit Liz Marsden has a great photo study.)

After using fingers and a ball stylus to open and form the crunched petal, I carefully hot glue the layers alternating the layers. To the smallest layer, carefully glue the 14 Craft Bar’s Mini Stamen “brush” into place. (Doing dimensional stamen is still a challenge for me but give me time, I’ll work it out!)

For the leaves, I again selected Lady E Leaves 003 dies and cut just 1 set. The paper is from USArtQuest’s Indian Batik Marble – Soft Green. This is a fantastic paper-cloth-like material. Natural veining. Using a ball-stylus and a stiff foam sculpting pad, form the veins to give height.

If you would refer to my June 8th article, Let’s Get Messy, you will see one of my messes on this card. (That was a fun process. Paint everywhere!)

The frame by Elizabeth Craft Designs, Rectangle Frame It-Stitched, was used to cut 1 piece from Stardream Papers’ Gold. That was mounted on the Messy blue, sort-of ocean background.

The rest is just assembly. I love layering so I used a dark blue paper layer to mount the flower, leaves and framed “artwork.” The base card is a soft white cardstock. Position pieces to your pleasure.

Hope this will offer some inspiration for one of your next creative adventures. I had a grand time with this card and am considering my next project.

Thank you for dropping by. Please feel free to visit anytime and offer any suggestions.   

Till later,
May God Bless You and Yours

Sunday, June 9, 2019

65 Years Together…

As some of you know, Jim and I belong to a small Christian-based church. One of our beloved couples just recently celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary. He still looks at her as a young groom looks at his beautiful new bride. They have become an inspiration to all of us. Their beautiful love still shines brightly.

This was the card I created for their special event.

Materials Used:
  • ·         White 0.6mm Foamiran
  • ·         Lady E’s Flower 004
  • ·         Gina K’s Powder Blue Ink
  • ·         Daubers
  • ·         Ladt E’s Leaves 03
  • ·         USArtQuest – Indian Batik Marble – Harvest Green
  • ·         Stardream Papers – 105C Quartz and 105T Emerald

Thank you for dropping by today. It is always a pleasure sharing some of my projects with you. Be sure to take a look at Sandy Parker’s YouTube site: Crafting For Almost Everyone.

Till next time,
May God Bless You and Yours

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Let’s Get Messy!!!

Welcome to my fun, yet very messy, project!

One of today’s challenges is playing with paint and messing up our work spaces in the name of ART. And did I ever have fun!

Have yet to decide what project to use these masterpieces on but give me time to come up with something.

But right now, let’s talk about “The Mess!”

For my work-station, I used a large piece of plexiglass. (Basically, because it cleans up nicely.)

·    Using Arteza Acrylic Paints (tube paint) squeeze out about a penny to nickel sized dollop of Titanium White (A101), Yellow Ochre (A113), Mauve Pale (A134) and Sky Blue (A154).

·         Now pour Liquitex Slow-Dri Blending Medium over the paints and with a pallet knife, swirl this mixture around. Make a mess! 

I then used scraps of different types of cardstock to see what would happen with the different textures. I laid each piece into the artistic mess and twisted back-and-forth or slightly pulled the various pieces. 

Got fantastic, shinny, and very opaque coverage with every type of paper.

Let dry completely. (I used a drying rack.) After the paints dried, the cardstock flattened out perfectly.

Hope you will give this a try. You might be surprised what you come up with using a variety of paint colors.

Till next time –

May God continue to watch over you and yours.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Visiting Sandy Parker…

Recently, Jim and I had the great honor to visit Sandy and Rich Parker. It was an experience we both will long remember. They are truly a wonderful couple and their fur-babies are so adorable and loving.  

The purpose of the visit was to show Sandy how to create Foamiran Flowers. So today, I wish to have you view her YouTube show “Crafting for Almost Everyone” at This is part 1 of our creative adventure. 

In this video, you will see some of Jim’s creative handiwork and what has become my Flower Making Inspiration Book. (See if you can spot Liz Marsden's excellent tutorial.} Sandy also shows a few of my creations plus a fantastic Lily that Sandy and I made as a practice piece. She did great!


Thank you for popping over – hope you enjoy what Sandy shares with you. She has done a wonderful job with her presentation.

Thank you, my friend. Let’s do it again Sandy.

Till next time,
May God Bless You and Yours